The world of mobile development is continuously changing, and the year 2023 will be known for its CDP mobile characteristics. We work hard to keep ahead of the trend by supporting the most up-to-date operating system editions, the most popular computer languages, and an ever-expanding library of appealing modern cross-platform design strategies.

In the same vein, Server side tagging is the term that is trending these days, and it also comes in the way when we talk about the mobile features for CDPs. So, let’s get started to know and understand the new mobile features for CDPs.

Changes in the Mobile World in 2022 

In the world of mobile apps and development, there has been a lot of upheaval and unpredictability during the last twelve to eighteen months. However, Google is not too far behind when it comes to Apple. Furthermore, while it does not extend as far as Apple, the latest version of Android also sets strict limits on identifying ads.  

When users disable interest-based advertising and customization in their Android OS settings, the GAID is no longer accessible due to Google’s weakened limitations. Instead, sources with different applications were given the option of using App Set ID. This is a verified ID for a single user running several apps from the same provider on the same device.  

We have done with some of the essential features and added them to the CDPs. We modified our Android Ad Identifier components to include App Set ID in reaction to this change, and GAID is deactivated when users opt-out of interest-based ads. We assist our customers in staying up to date with the latest innovations without the need for any other software. This is done while strictly adhering to the most updated rules and regulations from Apple and Google.  

Get to Know Our New Mobile Features for CDPs
Get to Know Our New Mobile Features for CDPs

New Mobile Features for CDPs Spotlights 

We continued to introduce brand-new capabilities to our SDKs in 2021 and improve our APIs and make under-the-hood improvements, all to reduce the amount of code that app developers must write and make apps faster and more stable.  

In 2021, we implemented several significant improvements to our mobile functionality for CDPs, including: 

Free Up Developer Resources with Auto Tracking 

Setting up tracking in your app might take a long time for your developers. It may take multiple app releases before you can have all of your app’s screens tracked correctly.

Unfortunately, this means you’re missing out on crucial data. From the moment you install the SDK, the Auto Tracking module monitors all of the screens in your app. Our advanced features track in-app purchases, push notifications, deep links, app lifecycle events, and screen views. All of this relieves your app developers’ workload, allowing them to focus on designing features that genuinely help your customers. 

Cross-Platform Libraries! 

Cross-platform development allows your engineers to work with a single codebase while deploying to both Android and iOS devices and additional devices in some situations. Our system supports many cross-platform libraries, and if we don’t currently support your favorite, please let us know, and we’ll add it to our roadmap. Currently compatible with React Native, NativeScript, Cordova, Ionic, Xamarin, Unity, and Flutter. 

Enhanced Mobile App Journey with Timed Events 

Knowing how long it takes a user to complete a journey in your app or how long it takes your app to reply to a user’s request can give you a good sense of which parts of your app require work. This will reduce consumer dissatisfaction while also increasing expenditure or retention. Our timed events feature you to trigger events at specific points in the user journey of your app. This automatically calculates how long it takes a user to complete an activity. It may track everything from “add to cart” to “buy completed,” for example. 

Deep Link Tracking Made Easy 

It’s crucial to know what prompted a user to open your app. Deep linking is when a user launches your app by clicking through an advertisement or a link on a website. It automatically listens for deep links and streamlines the process of tracking them by adding information about the deep link to the data layer. This is one of our newest mobile capabilities for CDPs. We then send data to 3rd party connectors or use it in Audience Stream to expand the visitor profile, allowing you to customize future deep linking efforts. 


MagicPixel have set out on improving our SDKs to make them even easier to use and more performant. If you’d like to view a demonstration of any of the features listed here, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us to book a demo and understand what your audience is looking for and how we can cater to them efficiently.